Current date and time just one key away in Notepad

Today, I discovered a nice little feature in Notepad. By accident.

I was starting up for the day, opening the apps I tend to use all the time: Notepad for my activity logbook, Chrome, and the usual other stuff. Chrome’s new tab page has this nice feature of displaying eight most frequently (or recently) used websites.

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Ends and means

Old quest

You might say my Linux quest failed miserably. I got defeated in the land of unexplained instructions and fairyland errors that had no right to exist.

But, you would be wrong. Using Linux as a platform for a website never was a real goal. It was a means to an end.

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Not quite running the samples on McCoy – my be… Linux VM

The status of the quest to get a bare bones ASP.NET 5 (aka vNext) website running on a shared Linux hosting account:

  • We have a bare bones site running locally on my Windows development machine.
  • We have a dedicated Linux virtual server with Mono,

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Suddenly we have lift off

Right. I like a challenge. This ASP.NET on Linux quest had me stumped though. And that was getting on my nerves. I had been following all the instructions and shaving a few Yaks on the go and yet it still refused to work.

Which is nonsens of course.

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DNX on Linux troubles aren’t over yet

Our quest to get a bare bones website running on a shared hosting Linux server, got stalled at trying to run the ASP.NET 5 examples on a (virtual) dedicated Linux server.

Running these samples of course is intended to prove that the machine could run a website known to work elsewhere.

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Deploying the bare bones site

The quest to get a bare bones ASP.NET 5 (aka vNext) website running on a shared Linux hosting account, is now at the stage where we should be able to deploy a website and see it in a browser.

Unfortunately, the documentation only has entries on how to deploy to IIS and for when you use Docker.

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On to Linux – part 2

Right, where were we?

The status of the quest to get a bare bones ASP.NET 5 (aka vNext) website running on a shared Linux hosting account:

  • We have a bare bones site running locally on my Windows development machine.
  • We have a dedicated Linux virtual server.

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On to Linux – the land of unexplained instructions

In my quest to get an ASP.NET 5 (vNext) website running on a shared Linux hosting account, the first step was to get the site running locally on my Windows laptop. It proved a bit of a challenge as my VS2015 initially refused to run it in the debugger.

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Fixing VS2015 when it doesn’t want to run an ASP.NET vNext website

The quest I announced earlier to get a bare bones ASP.NET 5 (aka vNext) website running on a shared Linux hosting account begins.

A couple of weeks ago, I already downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2015 RC and started it to have a look around. Since then only used it to create a couple of code examples while answering questions on the web.

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Yay! ASP.NET 5 Runs cross-platform

Yay! Finally!

Ever since I started dabbling in running my own web sites, I have been wanting to be able to develop in a familiar environment (Delphi, C#, Visual Basic, VBScript) without having to shell out for a dedicated web server. GoDaddy‘s shared Windows hosting has been good for that.

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