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TL;DR version of Name Value Pairs in ComboBoxes and Kinfolk

Did you read Name Value Pairs in ComboBoxes and Kinfolk?

Too long?

Yeah. You’re right. I realized that after I published it.

Here’s the TL;DR version of it.

You have been tasked with adding a simple ComboBox to a form and load its list of values from a configuration file containing a list of name value pairs.

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Name Value Pairs in ComboBoxes and Kinfolk

A couple of hours after I published this, I realized that it was very long. If you just want the punch line then check out
TL;DR version of Name Value Pairs in ComboBoxes and Kinfolk

You have been tasked with adding a simple ComboBox to a form and load its list of values from a configuration file containing a list of name value pairs.

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